Aloe Vera based welcome product in small bottles 22ml
An elixir lavishing the body with enchanting emotions of well-being. Beauty in its most natural formula. In a word, Aloesir. The amenities line that tells of all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera’s juice. An ingredient appreciated and sought since ancient times, thanks to its antioxi...
Non refillable Cartridges 350ml with Hair & body wash
Liquid soap with all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera juice
Hair & body wash toiletries with all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera juice
Body Lotion with all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera juice
Shampoo with all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera juice
Hair & body wash toiletries with all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera juice
Delicate Soap with Organic Aloe Vera juice formulated for your body care routine
Hair & body wash toiletries with all the precious benefits of organic aloe vera juice
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